National Pet Month at Perfect Pooch - A Groom To Be Won!

Perfect Pooch are giving all our pooches the chance to win a COMPLIMENTARY groom at Perfect Pooch in celebration of international pet  month 2018. All we ask is that you post a picture of your beloved dog and tell us why they should win Pet on the month on our website page to be in with a chance to win....... best of luck

National Pet Month is a registered charity, unique in bringing together animal welfare charities, professional bodies, pet businesses, schools, youth groups and pet lovers. The trustees are National Office of Animal Health (NOAH) and Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association (PFMA).  The charity’s key aims are to:

  • Promote responsible pet ownership
  • Make people aware of the mutual benefits of living with pets
  • Increase public awareness of the role of pet care specialists
  • Raise awareness of the value of working and assistance companion animals